Animal Entertainment

Petting Zoo

Petting Zoo ~ Family day event entertainment Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Corporate gala entertainer Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Kids’ party entertainer Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ School event performance provider
Petting Zoo ~ Creative event entertainment Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Cultural event service provider Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Professional event entertainment Malaysia
Petting Zoo
Petting Zoo ~ Event entertainment provider Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Wedding entertainment service Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Event planning and entertainment Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Unique performance services Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Corporate event entertainment Malaysia
Petting Zoo ~ Private party entertainment services

Petting Zoo can be customised to your event. For example, we have cute and furry rabbits (among others) for the children to pet and feed. Exotic animals (e.g., snakes) can be presented for educational events.
